DACMA delivers high-quality and large-scale DAC systems that are designed for a large variety of climate conditions
DACMA captures CO2 for storage and utilization:

Deliverable and scalable to Gigatons:
Our DAC solution boasts a proven track record, with the initial machines successfully delivered in 2023. The scalable design reaches gigaton capacities, providing a robust framework for high CO2 uptake while minimizing energy demand. This commitment to efficiency and scalability positions our DAC technology as a forefront solution in addressing net zero goals.

Our Vision for Gigaton-Scale Direct Air Capture

Patented adsorber with optimized air flow for maximal CO2 uptake vs. competition
The carbon dioxide is captured in an adsorption process and collected after desorption. We have evaluated the capture capacity at ambient conditions of more than 40 different adsorbent materials to optimize CO2 uptake.
Our patented reactor design integrates principles borrowed from our aerospace industry know-how, strategically optimizing airflow patterns to maximize contact efficiency.
DACMA has developed a unique approach to DAC that removes CO2 from the atmosphere
- CO2 rich air is pulled into a filtration system via large fans.
- Once the air is in the system, it is passed through an adsorbent that absorbs the CO2 molecules.
- The lean-CO2 air is then returned to the atmosphere.
- The removed CO2 is then stored or used for other materials such as concrete or fuels (CCS / CCU).

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU)
The CO2 obtained through our advanced processes serves as a valuable raw material, offering two primary pathways for responsible management. Firstly, through Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU), we harness the captured CO2 as a valuable resource for various industrial applications, contributing to a sustainable circular economy. Alternatively, for a more permanent solution, our technology facilitates Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), wherein the CO2 is safely and securely sequestered, preventing its release back into the atmosphere.

Our Milestones

Rely on high quality and sustainability
Have we sparked your interest? Want to learn more about our DAC machine?
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