Paths to climate neutrality for the Hamburg metropolitan region – An impulse paper of the Task Force CO2
Paths to Climate Neutrality in Hamburg – Impulse Paper by the CO2 Task Force
Companies in the Hamburg metropolitan region highlight the opportunities and challenges in carbon management on the path to climate neutrality for the Hamburg metropolitan region and have produced an impulse paper for this purpose.
The focus of this impulse paper is on carbon capture and storage (CCS) as well as carbon capture and utilization (CCU).
The impetus for the impulse paper includes the ‘Key Points of the Federal Government for a Carbon Management Strategy’ (February 2024). These acknowledge the necessity of enabling CCS/CCU, alongside the expansion of renewable energy and the defossilization of industry, to achieve climate goals, especially for hard-to-avoid and unavoidable CO2 emissions.
Furthermore, the authors see opportunities that CCS/CCU, as well as the recycling and use of CO2 as a raw material, can offer to the metropolitan region:
These processes can reduce dependency on fossil resources, promote a sustainable carbon circular economy, mitigate raw material dependencies, stimulate innovation, strengthen regional value chains, and create employment growth.
The impulse paper by the CO2 Task Force is organized by the Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster (EEHH) and consists of local stakeholders from the CO2 value chain.
Download here: impulse paper by the CO2 Task Force